Colossus Project

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Unreal Tournament (UT) Cosmetic Hat: Valkyrie Helm

I've been developing my design for a new helmet for use in UT (unreal Tournament).

I have started a sketchbook on the UT forums here, it's a good place to show the progress and get feedback for creating items for use in UT.

For this post I'll display my work process overview for this cosmetic item, from design to full in-game implementation.

To start I draw some pics in a note book to start getting ideas, while searching the internet for inspiration on places like Pinterest and Google images - Throwing the images I like into a folder for later use.

Next is the design process, I start with doodles and develop ideas I like

Photoshop is a really efficient way to draw and post images digitally.
Early in the process I start modelling in 3DS Max and Zbrush - seeing the item on a character gives you a better idea of what proportions and designs work better.

It's kind of a waste of time returning to the drawing board or getting refined images as I'm working alone, and don't need to translate my thoughts for others.  Also I want a cool 3D model and not a cool concept piece.

I get the base mesh looking cool and make sure it is optimised well for in-game.  Trimming triangles off and looking at the "Readability" for the game type, which is an FPS
I improved the original sketch to fit the character and UT universe better.  Is more masculine than a pure "Valkyrie" design, but are no female characters in UT yet, so will do a true Valkyrie one next.
The unwrapping is very important, and I ensured there is plenty of space for the prime primary parts
For this project I am experimenting more with Substance Designer 5 before I start hand painting everything.  This is now the standard in many games, and should look nice.

The baking process is very important, and for flexibility I have strayed away from doing all the detailing via sculpting in Zbrush.  Through Substance you can be more flexible and don't waste time "noodling" with little details that you won't really see in game any way.

For this you still need a decent high-poly model to bake all the information needed to texture.
For my basic high poly model I used sub-division modelling in 3DS Max with modifier stacks.  Although I will be using one material in engine I used multiple ones here to create a material map.
With Substance painter you can actually be quite creative, and make your own procedual masks and materials in a non-destructive manner using nodes.  Even using Photoshop afterwards with Quixel suite to tweak the output maps
I will be spending more time to hand paint details on and add grime and the like.
I am aiming to hit the fundamentals and getting an optimised asset which is easy to read at a distance and at high speeds.  I have been playing a lot of UT, and these are very important

Here I have simplified the paint/dialectric material, made the emmisive/glowing parts linked to the team's colour for an easier read, and tweaked the forms to make the helmet more appealing and interesting from different angles

With the created helmet I have a lot of leeway to alter the appearance.  This can be done in my 3D application (3DS Max) by re-arranging parts/elements into different configurations.  I can also tweak the shaders in my game engine (UE4) to create different looks through the textures.

For my next cosmetic item I will concentrate on creating inner-details and small forms to push the "next-gen" look further.  Personally I think this is probably not essential for a fast paced first-person arena shooter, but it what everyone likes and should fit the game's style better.  Just by adding small panels, bolts, tubes and the like.  You will only truly get to see this on the character selection screen as in game it will zip past you or be seen from a distance before someone is blown-up.

There are currently only two character models available in Unreal Tournament - Here is a sample of it on the "Malcolm" character doing a taunt.  The only opportunity you may get to see the cosmetics is also at the end of the match where the camera focuses on the winning player - Who is obliged to perform a taunt!

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