Colossus Project

Friday 11 September 2015

Happy Forest Shrine - Stylised Environment

Just having a little fun doing a mini-project.

Making a low-spec environment.  So I drew out a concept to get the theme and feel right.  I am aiming for a vibrant and simple palette, with the viewers eye drawn to the centre-piece as a focal point.

Decided to tweak my concept a little

After that I decided to use a texture map, but a lot smaller than normal - 256px X 512px.

This is used as I go to transfer colour and different gradients to assets and elements.  This way I can be "lazy" with the UVs.  It should look okay-ish, as I am going to use quite a lot of polys.

I have decided to try hand-painting the textures and spending time on each asset rather than my original plan of a quick&easy outcome.

Another way to approach this would have been to vertex paint the information, I may bake the vertex colours into texture maps as a base to work off.

For now I am kind of making it up as I go and blocking in the bigger parts first.  I'm going to try and improve it as I go and add in modelling and colour information where appropriate.  With the extra space on the texture sheet I can still add a little more.

This is going to go on the back-burner for a while while I concentrate on more important projects

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